Working of order status SMS in Two-Factor Authentication and SMS Notifications Opencart

If you need to send SMS to customers like order SMS, order status SMS and other SMS related to Opencart Store so Two-Factor authentication notification for you. Two-Factor authentication extension provides customer verification featured. Customer verification featured is very useful for Opencart store.
Working of order status
- Create order status
- Test SMS API
- Manage Order Status SMS
- Send Order status SMS
How to create order status
Go to admin panel >select System > Localisation > Order statuses. You will reach on Order Statuses listing page. Here you can add a new status, edit status and delete status.
All order statuses show on Purpletree SMS setting Order Status SMS tab.
How to set SMS API
SMS API is a URL provided by SMS provider for send SMS purposes. Go to Purpletree SMS Setting >Find SMS API URL tab > Enter SMS API URL with required variables like _MOB_ and _ TEXT _. _MOB_ for sender mobile number and _TEXT_ for message. After that click on the save button.
How to test SMS API
Go to Test SMS tab Enter Mobile No. and enter SMS text and click on the test button. API response show below the test button. If you get success response then API is correctly configured.
How to manage Order Status SMS
Order Status SMS tab use to send SMS on Change order Status for selected order status. You can change the order SMS template.
First of all, you will click on order status like Processed or other order status. Enabled the status and changed template (if you need to change). The template contains some variables like _NAME_ (for Customer name), _ORDERID_ (for Order id). And _COMMENT_ (for Comment).
How to send Order status SMS
For change order status, go to sales > order >select order and click on the view order button. Find Add order history change order status. Select override and Notify customers if you need and add a comment. Click on Add history button. Order Status Change SMS send on customer phone number.
More details of Purpletree Two Factor Authentication, OTP and SMS Notifications can be found here.