Set Purpletree shipping form admin in Magento2 Multi Vendor Marketplace
Customers can register as a vendor and start-up businesses' stores. The seller can add products from the seller panel and sell products in this store. The seller can create shipping rates also. Which shipping rate is used on the seller's product? If the admin wants to add a shipping rate for the seller then the admin can do this. Admin will have to follow the steps.
First of all, Admin will get the marketplace menu. admin will click on the marketplace after that admin will get the submenu here, and the admin will click on configuration. after clicking on the configuration, the admin will get the configuration page.
Know more about Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace.
Now admin will click on the "Sales" dropdown then we will get "Delivery Methods ". Now we will click on the "Delivery Methods" after that admin will get Purpletree shipping method configuration.
Now, we will have to click on the scope and select the scope main website. As soon as, the admin will select the main website. Admin will get the following page. we can see the difference between the above image and the following image. You can see the main difference between both images. a new field import and export was added here on the second image.
On this page, we will enable Purpletree shipping method. after that, we will fill in all detail carefully. Like Title, Method Name, Condition, Include Virtual Products in Price Calculation, Calculate Handling Fee, Handling Fee, Displayed Error Message, Ship to Applicable Countries, Ship to Specific Countries, Show Method if Not Applicable and Sort Order.
Now We will talk about shipping conditions. we can see here the condition of the shipping.
- Weight VS Destination
- Price VS Destination
- Item VS destination
Note: If the admin wants to for all countries then the admin can do this by * sign. Admin will have to fill * Sign. Just like that for Region/State and Zip/Postal Code.
Weight VS Destination:
First admin select this option after that admin can export this CSV sheet from the export CSV option. Here admin will have to fill in field country, Region/State, Zip/Postal Code, Weight(and above), shipping Price and seller id. The main difference is another CSV sheet, which we can see here weight and above. Here admin will have to seller id field.
Price VS Destination
First admin select this option after that admin can export this CSV sheet from the export CSV option. Here admin will have to fill all fields carefully.
3. Item VS Destination: First admin select this option after that admin can export this CSV sheet from the export CSV option. Here admin will have to fill all fields carefully.
Item VS Destination
First admin select this option after that admin can export this csv sheet from export CSV option. Here admin will have to fill all field carefully.
Admin can Calculate the Handling Fee from the shipping configuration. which have two types Fixed and percentage. for this, the admin will have to fill the handling fee in the text box. Now we can save this configuration.
Now we will see the Magento2 Purpletree shipping method on the checkout page. we can see something like this.
Admin can see the Purpletree shipping method on the order summary page.