Reasons for Choosing best selling Purpletree OpenCart Multi Vendor Marketplace

Purpletree Opencart Multi-Vendor Marketplace is the highest-selling OpenCart Mult Vendor Marketplace extension. It has maximum features also Purpletree Team get its extension's features updated frequently. In multivendor also features get updated at a good pace. Customers inform us the latest features are always available in the Purpletree multivendor first. We are discussing articles on why it is the best decision to purchase Purpletree software besides the fact it has maximum features and the biggest customer base.
(More details of Purpletree Opencart Multi Vendor Marketplace can be found here.)
Most selling and Maximum features, new advanced features get added first here only
Purpletree Opencart Multi-Vendor Marketplace has maximum sales. Also at marketplace, it has 1550 + sales till now. It is the highest for any multivendor across the globe.
Purpletree Opencart Multivendor has maximum advanced features. Also, new features get updated every week. You can easily get updated extensions. All updated features are generally optional in the sense that they do without affecting existing ones (if possible).
I am not talking much about the features available as they are already mentioned on the product page, user guide etc and other knowledge base articles.
All features in one extension itself, no need to purchase any extra module for any multivendor functionality
Purpletree Opencart multivendor has all those features available in one module purchase itself if mentioned on the user guide or product page. Whatever is mentioned on the product page you will get in the Multivendor package. You do not need to purchase any other module for any functionality mentioned on the information page. There is no confusion regarding it. You do not need to purchase an extra module for any functionality that is mentioned on the product page.
User Guide is awesome explanatory, all customers admire it
The user guide of Purpletree Opencart Multivendor Marketplace is so explanatory, concise, clear, to the point and easily understandable that every customer posts good reviews for it. It is the result of the hardworking content team of Purpletree. With this user guide, you can use multivendor extensions so easily.
Also, lots of knowledge-base articles are available.
Flexible license policy
Purpletree Offers a flexible license usage policy, in it, there is a way for test usage, license domain change and multi-store license.
For that please check Purpletree License usage policy.
Free installation, six months of support
Purpletree Opencart multivendor offers free installation and six months of free technical support.
You will get these two services free of cost.
Opencart Mobile App Available
Purpletree Opencart Mobile is also available at a separate purchase. (Note it is written very clearly on the product page obviously you have to purchase the mobile app separately).
If you purchase the app separately you will get Multi-vendor functionality in the mobile app also. You must have installed opencart Multivendor by Purpletree on your Opencart website.
API for Multivendor related data
Free-of-cost API is provided. It has functions for multivendor-related data for customer and seller accounts. This API covers those features of the multivendor extension as per the list of APIs given on the product description page of the extension.
New advanced features developed in this month log ( Available only in Purpletree Multi-Vendor)
- Hide Seller Registration non-required fields.
- Write your Preferred String for SEO URL for multivendor related.
- Hide Customer's details from sellers.
- Advance hyperlocal system.
- Advance template Product options created by different sellers for the same products.
- Seller registration form policy page advance option.
- Show/Hide seller information on a product, category, order success page etc.
- Advance Seller detail module.
- Set options on what to show on the Seller store page or not.
- Advanced Email Templates configuration.
- Seller Custom Field sorting.
- And many many others.