Purpletree Multivendor Features in Mobile Application for Opencart 3

Every business needs a mobile app for their business to grow, most of the consumers who want to purchase things don’t go for the website rather try to find a mobile app for that and order things from that. So that would be easy for any consumer to buy stuff on the go while traveling to work or wherever they are and don’t have access to a computer. All major eCommerce website now a day’s mostly rely on business from the mobile app.
As in Opencart we all of know that Purpletree Multivendor Marketplace is the bestselling marketplace of all time and it creates a marketplace for sellers and consumers where any seller could come and sign up and sell their stuff online just by creating adding products from seller panel. Website owner creates a website and lets sellers come to sell their products using Purpletree Multivendor for Opencart.
We already have Purpletree Opencart mobile application , it is a hybrid app and ready to launch the app. Just purchase the app and you will get fully-fledged Ecommerce Mobile app for your business. No need to do hard coding for mobile app. The theme of the app can be setup as in the website. For more info about application check out our demo of the mobile app.
Purpletree Multivendor fully supports Mobile application, Seller can download the mobile app from Google app store and can login to their account. Then seller could use most of the functionalities of sellers as they use on the website.
Become seller On Register Page
On Registration page customer can register as normal customer or Seller. Select Become seller to yes and enter Store Name.
- Waiting for Approval. If the seller is awaiting admin approval then, the seller has to wait till admin approves there account so that seller can use all the seller functionality in-app.
- Seller Will View Following Seller option menu if the seller is approved.
- Orders — Can View Orders list and can Manage Order.
- Products — View list of Products, Add/edit or delete product from the app.
- Payments — Can view all the payments received from admin.
- Commissions — Can view all the Commission which were went to admin per order.
- Summary — All summary of orders, payments and more.
- My Reviews — List of reviews left by customers.
- Shipping Rates — List of Shipping Rates of Seller for advance shipping
- Browse Seller — Any user can view the list of all sellers by going from Browse seller button on the left menu. From there they could view each Seller store information and products by the.
- Contact Seller Page — Any Customer can contact any seller by filling the contact form on click of Contact Seller for each seller.
More details of Purpletree opencart mobile app can be found here.