Upload Your Design in Opencart Web to Print

The Purpletree OpenCart Web to Print module allows customers to upload their designs for customized products. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create an option for customers to upload their designs in various languages supported by OpenCart.

Creating the Upload Your Design Option

To enable customers to upload their designs, you need to create an option with the name "Upload Your Design" in OpenCart Custom Product Designer Extension.

Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Login to OpenCart Admin Panel:

    • Navigate to your OpenCart admin panel.

  2. Create a New Option:

    • Go to Catalog > Options.
    • Click on the Add New button.
    • Enter "Upload Your Design" as the Option Name.
    • Choose File as the Type.
    • Click on the Save button.
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  3. Translate the Option Name:

    • For your OpenCart site to display the correct translation, you need to add the option name in different languages. Use the following translations:
      • French: Téléchargezvotre conception
      • Portuguese: Carregueseuprojeto
      • Spanish: Subetudiseño
      • Turkish: TasarımınızıYükleyin
      • German: Laden SieIhr Design hoch
      • Russian: Загрузитесвойдизайн

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  4. Add the Option to Products:

    • Go to Catalog > Products.
    • Select the product you want to enable for custom design upload.
    • Click on the Edit button.
    • Go to the Option tab.
    • Click on Add Option and select "Upload Your Design".
    • Ensure that the option is marked as Not Required.
    • Click on the Save button.

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Detailed Instructions with Visuals

  1. Login to OpenCart Admin Panel:

  2. Navigate to Options:

  3. Add New Option:

  4. Enter Option Details:

  5. Add Translations:

  6. Assign Option to Product:



By following these steps, you can successfully create an option for customers to upload their own designs on your OpenCart website. Make sure to include the translated strings for the desired languages to ensure the option appears correctly on the frontend.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact our support team.