Manage E-Mail templates in Complete Multivendor Marketplace for Opencart

Multivendor Marketplace extension provides a complete vendor management solution for Opencart store. Complete Multivendor marketplace extension developed by Purpletree software. Multivendor extensions have many features like seller products management, seller orders management, seller commission management, seller payment management, and seller email management. Multivendor Marketplace provides a seller store to show his/her products.
Seller email management is a very important feature of multivendor marketplace extension. In seller, email management users can modify the seller email template according to his/her need. Only store admin can modify the seller email template. Seller email template available in multiple languages then the user can easily modify email template his/her language.
Modify Seller E-Mail templates
First of all login admin panel. Go to Multivendor menu and select the Seller Emails menu and click on it. You will reach on the Seller Email list
Here you will see the list of all seller email templates with Email type, Email Subject, and with Edit button. Admin can only modify seller email templates without changing the variable of the email template. All seller email display in the list select the email and click on the edit button. After clicking on the edit button you will reach on Edit Seller E-mails
Here you will see the email template base on the available language. Admin can change email messages and email subjects also. Only the email variable cannot be changed. Admin can modify email template after that click on the Save button. The back button you for go to seller listing page. If the admin wants to reset modify the email template then click on the Reset button.
After that confirmation popup message showing on top, if you ready to reset the email template then click on the ok button. After that E-mail template data will be reset to default. After that, you will reach on seller email template page and the success message will show on top in the green color strip.
More details of Purpletree Complete Opencart Multivendor extension can be found here.