How Vendor can add product template in Opencart multi vendor marketplace
Opencart multivendor marketplace provides the best feature for sellers, to make multi sellers product. Admin can create Product Template and sellers can add price, quantity, etc. information in Product Template. Customer can buy multi-seller product base of store rating and price.
Product Template
Product Template like a dummy product creates by admin for sellers. In the product template, admin can fill all information except price, quantity, stock information. This information will filled by the seller.
How Seller add product template
For add Template product information like price, quantity, stock information seller is login in seller panel by using email Id and password. Go to the seller option menu and click on “Product Templates.” After clicking on Product Templates Seller reach on Product Template list page. On the Product Templates list page Number of Product Template show here. The seller can search any product template by using the filter such as product template name filter, Model filter, Price filter, Quantity filter, and Status filter.
For Add price, stock information and quantity click on Edit button.
When seller click on Edit buttons Seller reached on Edit Product template page. On this page show some information related to template product such as product template name, product template description, product template image and other seller prices on this template product. Seller adds price base of the different seller price. The seller can fill price, stock information, and quantity and product template status. After filling all the fields click on save button. After click on save button seller reached on Product templates list page and after filled price show product template in the green row in the list table.
If the seller wants to edit any information related to price, quantity, and stock in the template product then again click on the edit button and change the price and other information.
Delete Product template
If the seller wants to delete the Product template, then the seller needs to reach on the Product templates list page and select a product template and click on the delete button. After clicking on delete button Product template will delete successfully and it's status in changed enable to disable and row color changed green to white.
Product template show on customer side Opencart multi-vendor marketplace site like in given in the screenshot.
Here customer can order the multi-seller product by using add to cart button in open cart site
More details of Purpletree Opencart Multivendor marketplace can be found here.