How to Set Shipping on Product Form in Purpletree OpenCart Multi Vendor

Multi-vendor shipping refers to the process of shipping products from multiple vendors or sellers in a single order. This scenario commonly arises in e-commerce marketplaces where different vendors sell their products on the same platform
Product Form Shipping
If you have put any seller’s product shipping charge value inside the data tab on the product(“Multivendor > Seller product > edit> data>shipping charge”) then this shipping will show on the frontend checkout page in this case multivendor shipping will not work.
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For example:
We have put in the Imac product shipping charge value (“Multivendor > Seller product > edit> data>shipping charge”) then product specific shipping charge value will show on the front end of the checkout page. In this case, multivendor shipping will not work.
If you have put any seller’s product shipping charge value inside the data tab on the product(“Multivendor > Seller product > edit> data>shipping charge”) then this shipping will show on the frontend checkout page in this case multivendor shipping will not work.
For example:
We have put in the Imac product shipping charge value (“Multivendor > Seller product > edit> data>shipping charge”) then product specific shipping charge value will show on the frontend of the checkout page. In this case, multivendor shipping will not work.
We have put shipping charge 40 that is showing shipping charge 40 on the checkout page on frontend
Multi Vendor Shipping
If you are facing related to Multivendor shipping charges you need to follow the below point. you can easily solve the problem. we are providing easy solutions to the customer so they can solve problems easily.
If you have put shipping from(“Admin > Multivendor > Stores > Shipping”) after that shipping charge will show on the checkout page inside the delivery method
For example:
We have put a shipping charge of 50, it's showing a shipping charge of 50 on the checkout page on the front end.
For using Purpletree multivendor shipping you need to enable the Purpletree multivendor shipping from” Admin > Extensions > Extensions> Shipping > multivendor shipping” From here you can enable the shipping.
If you have enabled the multivendor shipping and put the shipping on your store from “Admin > Multivendor > stores > Edit > shipping”.
but any seller’s product having the shipping charge value then multivendor shipping will not work.
For using the Multivendor shipping you need to leave the shipping charge blank form (“Multivendor > Seller products > edit> data>shipping charge”) after that Multivendor shipping will work.
If you have put shipping from(“Admin > Multivendor > Stores > Shipping”) after that shipping charge will show on the checkout page inside the delivery method
For example:
We have put a shipping charge of 50, it's showing a shipping charge of 50 on the checkout page on the front end.