How to set safe line, crop line, and fold line in custom product designer extension for opencart
Purpletree Opencart Product designer (web to print) extension is the best selling Opencart web to print extension, this extension has the maximum number of features available, In this article, we have described the process to set safe line, crop line, and fold line in custom product designer extension for opencart, we have given a complete overview for these functionailties and ways to use them and have a complete idea of these.
Safe line: The safe line is the designing area for product design. The safe line will visible on the product designer page in the frontend which defines by the admin. Admin can define the safe line on add or edit product and also can define a safe line on add or edit template product. After defined the safe line, customers will see the safe line on the product design page. Customers should make product design under the safe line. In the safe line, the Safe line value should be numeric only.
Crop line: The crop line is a printable area. You will have to set a bleed line in admin on add or edit product. Bleed line synonyms of crop line, which defined on the add/edit product/template product. The crop line will visible on the product design page. The crop line has red colour. The image will cut from the crop line. The crop/bleed line value should be numeric only.
Fold line: Admin can add fold line on add/edit product from admin side. This will appear on the product design page. Admin can set multiple lines also. Admin wants to add one or more than one fold line on the product design. Now, Admin can do that. For example, Admin wants to add the threefold line in the product design. For whom, Admin will have to set safe line value with comma separated like 100, 200, 500. This line would not come on the final image. This line visible only product design area. We can use this foldable catalogue product design. Fold line value should be numeric only.
For product:
Admin will have to set safe, crop, and fold lines on the add/edit product.
Go to admin > Purpletree Custom Product Designer > Manage Product > Add New/Edit > Custom Product Designer.
If you want to use a safe line, crop line, and fold line then you will have to select the use image “No” After that, you will have to fill width and height in the product design image. Now you can set the safe line, bleed line (crop line), and fold line also. If you selected the use image like “Yes” then you will not use the safe line, crop line, and bleed line.
For child product:
Admin will have to set safe, crop and fold line on the edit child product.
Go to admin > Purpletree Custom Product Designer > Child products > Edit.
You can set safe line, crop/bleed line, and fold line here.
Fold line value should set the comma-separated.
Product page:
Now, these lines will appear on the product design page. The first line is a safe line and the second line is the crop line and the fourth line is the fold line. All lines will remove when you will place the order.
When you will place an order then all line will remove from the image. The image will cut from the crop line. The final image will see as the following image.
Final image:
The above image is the final image that can print. In this image, All lines have removed from the image.