How to set product-wise shipping in Multivendor Marketplace for opencart

Product wise is functionality of Multivendor extension that allows you to define different shipping costs for per products, based on customer location. These shipping costs can be added to shipping methods, or used as product wise shipping. In this type shipping rate will be applied on order per product means if customer products are added in cart, then shipping rate multiple by will be applied to cart. Admin can set three type of product wise shipping
- Flat rate Shipping
- Advanced Shipping
- Flexible Shipping
Admin should follow this steps for manage shipping option and to view shipping.
First we will have to add shipping rate. After that we can use shipping rate. we should follow this steps for add shipping rate. Admin should add seller, country zip code from, zip code to, weight from, weight to and price add carefully because after save shipping rate you can not edit shipping rate.
Shipping Rates can only be added and deleted; Edit option is not there to edit any shipping rate
First go to Purpletree Multivendor -> shipping rate after that click on manage shipping option link.
Admin can view shipping rule in above page for advanced shipping and flexible shipping. After click on manage shipping option admin can view following page and to set product wise shipping rule. First admin should enable purpletree shipping and set product shipping type option “Product wise” after that admin should select Flat Rate shipping option and Flat rate shipping charge.
Flat Rate Shipping:
It denotes a uniform shipping rate that is applicable for shipping, weight, customer country and zip code. The flat rate shipping method is based according to different shipping zones. shipping charge which is chosen, will be applied to cart according to shipping Type defined.
Advanced Shipping:
This shipping charge will calculate from shipping rates defined for each non seller products. If No shipping charge is found even for 1 or more products in cart, then customer will not be able to checkout using Purpletree Shipping Method. Before using this shipping method make sure all shipping. Mulitvendor allows you to define different shipping costs for per products, based on customer location. These shipping costs can be added to shipping methods, or used as product wise advanced shipping.
Admin can view advance shipping option on manage shipping option page.
Flexible Shipping:
Flexible Shipping is the most advanced shipping for multivendor extension allowing you to calculate shipping costs based on weight, location and weight of per product. If not found then Flat Shipping charge will be applied. it Combined with the multivendor marketplace. In product wise flexible shipping, when customer try to checkout Non Seller products, first for each product it will look for shipping charge from Shipping Rates. If not found then Flat Shipping charge will be applied.
Admin should select product wise shipping type after that should select flexible shipping type and fill flexible shipping charge.
Now customer can place order after that customer can view following shipping charge on checkout page
More details of Purpletree Multivendor Marketplace for Opencart can be found here.