How to Assign Opencart Stores to Vendors in Purpletree Multivendor

Purpletree multivendor is a powerful extension that supports the multi-stores feature. Admin manage all stores in a single admin panel. Using the Purpletree Opencart Complete Multivendor Marketplace, the seller can manage the store and operate easily also. When the seller will add or edit products then the product will be assigned to multiple stores automatically. Admin can add the product to one or more stores also.
In Purpletree Opencart Complete Multivendor Marketplace if the seller wants to display the product at different stores, then the admin can show the product of the seller at multiple stores. The seller can only log in to the store that is assigned to it. Seller products will be displayed in seller featured product, Category featured product, seller Blog, seller featured store module in each store. Which Admin has assigned?
The admin wants to show only a few products of the seller at different stores, he can do that. For this, the admin has to edit the product and set the store
Admin can set multiple stores for the different sellers which are very simple. Admin should have to follow steps for set seller stores in the admin panel.
Go to admin > system > settings
Now here, you can add a store. Admin should have to click on to add a button. After that admin will get the store detail form. On this page, the admin should have to fill store URL which is helping to open the store.
Admin has to fill store detail carefully. After that, the admin will get the following list of stores.
Admin can assign multiple opencart stores to a seller. For this, the admin has to go to the seller store and can assign it easily.
Before assigning stores, the admin has to enable this functionality in the setting part.
First, we will have to follow these steps to Use domain-wise stores.
Go to admin > multivendor > settings > General > Use domain wise stores.
If “use domain wise stores” is enabled then you will see the assigned opencart stores tab on edit seller store. This feature will see in the next part.
Admin should have to follow this step to assign the store to the seller.
Go to admin > multivendor > stores > edit > Assign opencart store > opencart stores
When the admin assigns a store to the seller then all products will be to assign to all stores automatically.
After assigning the store, when the seller adds a product then the product will be assigned to selected stores. Now the seller store can use the store URL.
This option is very good for the seller, allowing the seller to sell the product at different stores. Multi stores will benefit the seller's business. The seller can make a profit by selling his product at different stores. The multi-store shop system is an extension of the business. in order to a large number of customers, some companies open a large number of stores at different places in different cities. With the help of all these features, this one purpletree multivendor is a great extension.
More details of Purpletree Opencart Complete Multivendor Marketplace can be found here.