How to set configurations of blog display on OpenCart Website

If you have an Opencart Website. You obviously want good traffic on your website and a good customer base and engagement. Content on the website is key to getting customers. You can also inform about the product details, user guides, and specific features. How to solve day-to-day hurdles in using them etc. The blog is the best way to write up all this material.
If you are looking for a good OpenCart Extension that adds advanced functionalities of blogger to the Opencart website. You should go for Purpletree OpenCart Blog pro extension.
Purpletree OpenCart Blog has advanced features like Category, Tag, Latest, Popular, Content, SEO compatibility Featured image for blogs etc available in this popular blog extension for Opencart.
These features of advanced blog capabilities are described in this knowledge base article.
In this article we are describing how to configure blog views on the Homepage, the number of blogs to be shown on the Homepage, and The Height and width of the featured images, You can also disable the blog module in rare specifical cases if the need arises.
For that go to OpenCart Admin>Extension>Extension>Module>Purpletree Blog Setting>Edit
Please see the below image:
Purpletree Blog Module Settings
Module Name
You can write your preferred name for your Opencart Blog Module here, like My Knowledgebase, Ho to Use etc as per your needs.
In Limit you can write a number of blogs you want to show on the Homepage, you can select 4, 5 or any figure you want as per your needs.
In width you need to write the width of the featured image, As you put higher values in width the featured image width will increase accordingly or write lower values to decrease the featured image width value.
In Height you need to write the height of the featured image, As you put higher values in height the featured image height will increase accordingly or write lower values to decrease the featured image height value
You can enable/disable the blog module from here. If you disable this module, blogs will not be shown on the Homepage.
Please see the below image:
As you see in the below image, The number of blogs that are being displayed on the Homepage.
Also, note carefully the size of the featured image.
You can easily set it up from the blog admin. The number of blogs that needs to be shown on the Homepage and featured image width and height.
Browse more information about Opencart Blog pro extension.