How seller can register and login in Purpletree opencart mobile app

Purpletree opencart mobile app is a complete solution to build your own iOS & Android opencart mobile app. Your app will be completely synchronized with your website, including sellers, products, categories, Seller Login, and registration, etc. After your purchase, we will deliver an app within 24 hours.
Advantages of Purpletree Opencart mobile application:-
- Integrate your app with your opencart store (website).
- Configure your app’s layout colors.
- Flexibility in your mobile app’s features.
- Publish your app to app stores (Android play store or Apple app store).
How Seller can register in the Purpletree Opencart Mobile App?
The very first step is to open the app in your opencart android app OR IOS device.
Now, click to face icon in the header of the app.
After clicking to the face icon, you will redirect to the login page. From there click to Sign Up button as like highlighted below in the screenshot.
After clicking to the Signup button, then you will redirect to Signup Page from there you need to fill your details like First name, Last name, Email, Telephone, Type your password, Re-type password Select Yes from becoming seller checkbox. Then finally clicks to Signup Button to become a seller.
Now, you become a seller in the store.
How to login as a seller on Purpletree opencart mobile App?
Click to face icon in the header of the mobile app please look in the highlighted screenshot below.
After clicking to the face icon you will redirect to the login page where you can login and password input filed. In this input, boxes enter your email and password. Then click to Sign In button. Finally, you are logged in as a seller in the mobile app.
More details of Purpletree opencart mobile app can be found here.