How Category Commission works in Magento Multivendor Marketplace?

Whenever customer purchase any order from any seller using Purpletree Marketplace. Admin would get commission for each product order placed by customer. Rest of the payment is being released to seller by admin after deducting its commission.
How much commission would admin get can be set by admin according to following 3 types
- Category Based Commission
- Store Commission
- Global Commission
In Category Based Commission Admin set commission percentage for particular category. All the products which come under that category will attract commission as defined for admin. Means when seller create products and assign it to particular category to sell admin would get commission for that category.
There may be many case when product is assigned to more than one category in that case Category commission which attract maximum commission will be set for that product means if any seller create a product “HP Laptop” and add it in “Computers” Category and “Laptops” Category, and category commission for “Computers” is set to 5% and for Laptop it is set to 10%, then 10% commission will be calculated for that order product.
If none of the commission found in Category commission means none of the category assigned to product is not available in category commission and it will look for Store commission and Global Commission.
To Set the category commission form admin login to admin panel and go to Marketplace > Category Commission. In here admin can add or edit any category commission.
Click on Add New commission and Enter Commission percent in Commission %. Commission percent can only be between 1 to 100.
Select Category or sub category from category Tree to which this commission is to be applied and Save the Commission.
Click on Save Button on top to Save the Commission and go to Category Commission list page
Click on Save and Continue button to save and you will be on same page.
Click on Delete button to delete this commission.
Reset button will clear the following form.
Commission is only calculated when admin open the seller order from Seller orders and complete the Seller order status to Complete or as defined in configuration. As Seller can also change the seller order status but Admin commission is only calculated when admin completed the Seller order individually in each order.
Total Commission for the order is calculated by adding all the commissions admin got for each product in the order.
If customer purchases 2 product of Seller 1 and 2 Products of Seller 2 and 2 Products not of any seller, then admin will get commission for 4 products but individually for each product like for 1 product admin would get 1% commission and for other it may get 20% commission so for each product category commission is calculated individually and admin can see the commission it get from admin > Marketplace > View Commissions. It shows all the commissions admin got with details of each order in a row.
More details of Multivendor Marketplace for Magento 2 can be found here.