Creating vendors and their products as Admin in Opencart Multi vendor

Purpletree Software LLP provides no.1 selling Opencart Multivendor, it has 1500 + sales on Opencart Marketplace itself that is the biggest for any multivendor in the market. In multivendor, admin can create vendor and assign the product to vendor or seller easy way. Admin can add one or more products for a vendor. Purpletree Software LLP always provides easy steps you can use our functionality without any development skills. You can create a seller or vendor by using the Purpletree multivendor.
(More details of Purpletree Opencart Multi Vendor Marketplace can be found here.)
Admin creates vendor or seller
Admin can create vendor go to “Admin>Multivendor>Sellers” from there is top right corner plus icon you can click that icon and create the vendor. There is some required field like-First name, last name, email, telephone, Become a seller and Seller store name. You need to fill the required field. If you have selected in becoming a seller “No” then the seller will not create. When you select to become a seller “Yes” then the seller will create.
When a seller creates then showing in multivendor seller list showing seller related information like-Seller name, Email, Status, Store name, Date added. In below image shows the seller.
Admin assign products to the vendor
Admin can create or assign vendor product from Go to “Catalog>Products>Edit>Vendor” from vendor tab admin can assign the product to vendor easily by choosing the particular vendor which vendor you want to assign the product. In the vendor tab, if you selected vendor “None” then the product will not assign to the vendor. You must select a vendor then the product will assign to the vendor or seller. Admin can add one or more products for the seller.
All assigned vendor or seller products will show in Multivendor>Seller Products. This is very useful for the admin and vendor perspective. In seller product, you can also assign product to the vendor. Admin can also assign a single product to multiple stores.
In multivendor>Seller products>seller list, you can easily filter any product like-Product name, Price, Status, Model, Quantity. If you want to filter by the product name and click the filter button after that all data will show a related product that you filter. This is the easiest way to find out your product on the seller list. It is one of the best features in Purpletree multivendor.
Purpletree Software LLP provides the easiest way for the client they can use our extension without any development skills. Purpletree multivendor extension is a vast level for the modified your store next level you can easily use Purpletree Multivendor extension. Purpletree Software LLP always uses the latest technology.