How Customers can raise ticket in “Support Desk / Helpdesk for Magento 2”

Whenever any customer login into any magento website, there may be a case where he/she might want to contact the admin regarding account, order detail, or any other feedback and wants a reply from admin for the same. In most of the cases this functionality is must required when customer wants to raise any request regarding the order and wan to track the admin support for the same. For this purpose “Support Desk/ Helpdesk is for Magento 2” is a powerful extension to fulfill the above purpose and a lot of other accessibilities also.
For any user to raise request using this extension, first case is the he/she must be a registered and approved customer on the website means he/she must have all the access for their user account as a customer.
Raising a request using this extension is a simple process , customer just have to login to their account, then go to their account page, there they can see a new menu item on left navigation as “Help Desk”. Click on the link and from there customer can see the entire previews request raised by them.
From the above page as customer sees all the previews support tickets, they can create new support ticket from “Create Support Ticket” button. Click on the button and you will see new form which will ask for following information.
Subject – In here enter the subject for which you want to raise enquiry, like in the example we took “Need Installation Support”. It is just like any Email subject to understand the admin what is this ticket about.
Full Description – In here you can explain in detail what customer wants from admin/ store owner. Write full info whatever you think would better explain the purpose of this ticket. Like in this case we took example as “I got the Product on time, but still waiting for the installation guy to come and install my AC”. So like we said it could be related to order or anything else here it is order related, customer just need communication from admin regarding the same.
Priority – This is the additional filed for customer to set. Like in this case it is installation support that customer want so its priority is high, in some cases customer just wants to give feedback or suggestion which would be better if implemented, in that cases customer can select priority to Low or Medium, Please note that admin can always change the priority from their side.
Department – Customer can select department from the list, this is another optional thing for customer, admin can always change the department from their side.
Order No – This is again optional field, if ticket is regarding any order just mention order number else leave it blank.
Attachment – Customer can also send some pictures or document to better illustrate the issue. Following formats are supported which customer can attach – pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif. No other format file to be attached is not supported.
After filling all the information just click on Submit button to send this ticket to admin, and customer can always track and reply the ticket by selecting the ticket from listing page.
More details of Multivendor Marketplace for Magento 2 can be found here.