How to create Seller Discount Coupon in Multivendor Marketplace for Opencart

Discount Coupon one of the best functionality on the Opencart multi-vendor marketplace for the seller. In Opencart Multivendor extension seller can create a Discount coupon for his product and admin can also create a discount coupon for seller product. This functionality allows sellers to give a discount on their products by which customers can save the money also. This discount coupon can be use by the customer on the time of product order.
Create seller coupon by Admin
Login in admin panel and find Navigation menu. Click on “Marketing” option and select “Coupons”, click on it. User will reach on the Coupons list page.
On this page, admin can add a new coupon for seller product and also his own product. Admin can select any coupon for edit and delete on this page.
For add coupon, Click to add button. Select the seller from the auto complete dropdown and fill all the other information of coupon then click to blue color save button. Coupon successfully created and show on the coupons list page
For edit coupon, Click to edit button and change any information of coupon then click to blue color save button. Coupon successfully edited and show on the coupons list page
Create seller coupon by Seller
Login in seller panel and find “Seller Options” menu. Select “Coupons”, click on it. User will reach on the Coupons list page.
On this page, Seller can add a new coupon for his product. The seller can do any coupon for edit and delete on this page.
For add coupon, Click to add button and fill all the other information of coupon then click to blue color save button. Coupon successfully created and show on the coupons list page
For edit coupon, Click to edit button and change any information of coupon then click to blue color save button. Coupon successfully edited and show on the coupons list page
More details of Purpletree Opencart Multivendor marketplace can be found here.