How Admin process the Return Requests in RMA for Magento 2

Customer can easily buy any type of products from Magento 2 website, Admin just needs to add the product and Enable that product to be shown in the Front of store and User visits the website and places an order and makes the payment, and all done, Admin receives the order placed by customer and process the order, this is the normal functionality of any eCommerce website and all of this is handled by Magento 2. Now comes the issue when after placing an order or even after order completion or Delivery, the Customer wants to return the order, this is not handled by Magento 2 so we have Created the extension Purpletree RMA with SMS for Magento 2 for this.
Once the Customer places a request to return the order admin has to process that each request and resolve the customer issue by return, refund or by any other method as appropriate according to their policy. Admin can view all the return requests from Admin > Return > Manage Return Orders. All return requests would be visible on this page.
From the listing click on View/Edit Action in front of any request to view and edit the request. On the next page, there would be full detail of the Return request along with user messages. From this page, the admin can manage the Request. This page is divided into 3 parts.
On the Left, there is a Message block from where the admin can view all messages for this return request and can send messages to the user also along with any attachment. To Send a Message just type any the Message in WISIWYG Editor Textbox and can also attach the file from the Browse button but the attached file can only be in the following format – pdf, doc, Docx, Xls, xlsx, CSV, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif. From here admin and customer can communicate regarding any return issue.
Return Items
The second block is below the Message which shows all the products which are requested by the customer to be returned. It shows all Return Items. No action is required in this block, this is for information only.
Order Return Information
Then Comes the Last Block on the Right side from here admin can view all Order Return Information and can change that as required.
- Status – Complete status would be shown in Green color, Received Status in Blue Color, and all others in Red Color in here. These are some predefined Statuses with colors.
- Created at– It is the date on which the customer raised a request for Return.
- Order Status – This is the main order status.
- Request Status – From here admin can change the Request status to any status. Some Predefined status added by Purpletree is Pending, Received, and Complete.
- Resolution - This could be set to Refund, Exchange, or cancel items or as any other added by admin.
- Reason – Here admin can change the reason from the dropdown, it is set on the customer when they raise the request. It could be No Need, Wrong Size, Wrong product,
- Package Condition – This can also be changed by admin from Dropdown.
- Save - Click on this button to Save the Changes as done in all the above Dropdown values.
If Return Request Status is not in Received or Complete Status, then its status can be directly charged from the Button on top which is Mark Received and Mark Completed. No other button needs to be clicked to set any of these statuses for the Return request.
More details of Purpletree RMA with SMS for Magento 2 can be found here
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Default return status for Purpletree RMA with SMS for Magento 2
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