Setting Slides and Banners for Magento Mobile app

Mobile app for Magento has a vast number of features. One can easily set up their homepage from Magento admin once the mobile app is ready. Content on the homepage can be changed on Runtime, no need to create a mobile app again for the purpose. Just open the admin of Magento 2 mobile app and change following content on the homepage easily as you are changing for the website.
Slider Slides
Slides on Slider on the homepage can be added from admin only. Admin can also choose not to show slider on homepage just go to Admin > Mobile App > Configuration > General Configuration > Show Slider. Select Yes to show the Slider on the homepage.
Now to Select slides from the slider go Admin > Mobile App > Slides. In here add/edit the slides which will be visible on Purpletree mobile app.
On Slides page one can easily add/edit the edit. To add a new slide just click on Add New Slide button on the top-right position. Enter the Slide information in the form
Title — This will be slide name
Type — Select if you want this slide to be used for Slider or Banner. Select Slider here.
Status — Select Status to Enabled, only Enabled slides will be visible on the mobile app.
Sort order — Enter sort order number for slide, in which order you want to show slides.
Category — Select Category from the checkbox, from this, on the mobile app on click of slide image user will be redirected on the category page on the mobile app. Select None if you don’t want any link on Slide image.
Slide Image — Select and Browse image here.
The Slides which are Enabled and Selected as Slider Type only will be visible in the mobile app.
To Select Banner for Homepage
· Go to Admin > Mobileapp > Configuration.
· There is a dropdown option of Banner 1, Banner 2, and Banner 3.
· Select Banner from Dropdown. In the dropdown list, only those slides would be shown whose slide type is set to Banner as defined above.
· Select None if you don’t want to show any Banner in that location.
We have defined 3 predefined locations for Banners. Banners position cannot be changed by admin. Admin can only define which Banner to be shown in these locations. Admin has also an option not to show any Banner on the app. All of these can be done Run time, which means it can be changed by admin anytime while the app is live on the App Store.
More details of Purpletree Mobile Application for Magento 2 can be found here.