How to use admin approval settings for sellers & seller products

Admin needs to select seller & seller product approval required Yes/No from admin, For enabling and disabling this setting. If selected yes seller approval required from admin then admin needs to approve seller store also if select yes product approval required then admin needs to approve the products, If these settings selected No respectively then seller products/ stores will be shown instantly as soon they are created.

Seller approval admin Settings

For the setting of admin approval for the seller in Purpletree Opencart Multivendor

Please go to Opencart admin>Multivendor>Settings>Seller Approval required>Yes

(please select Yes if you want admin approval otherwise No)

1 seller approval

Approve sellers from admin

Please go to admin>Multivendor>Stores>Select Store>Approve

2 seller approval

Frontend view with/without approval from the admin

When a new seller is registered and admin approval is set to yes, then it will appear as

After admin approval, it will show as seller panel

3 seller approval

Product approval Settings

For the setting of admin approval for seller products in Purpletree Opencart Multivendor

Please go to Opencart admin>Multivendor>Settings>Product Approval required>Yes

(please select yes if you want admin approval otherwise no)

1 product approval

Approve products from admin

Please go to admin>Multivendor>Seller Products>Select Product>Approve2 product approval


After the admin approves the product they will appear in the store & website for sale.

More details of Purpletee Opencart Complete Multivendor Marketplace here.