Modes available in Downloadable Products Pro for Magento 2

“Downloadable Products Pro” for Magento 2 extension is one of the best selling extensions from “Purpletree Software LLP”. “Downloadable Products Pro” extension is a very effective and result oriented extension and user-friendly for the clients. “Downloadable products pro” extension configuration is very simple. If you install the “Downloadable products pro” extension on your website then you can manage the download product smothly from the admin end.
If you have created any downloadable product on your website and any customer buys the product. The customer can see this downloadable link in his account. If an order is complete then this link will show in the customer account otherwise this link will not show. There are two modes available for product downloads in Downloadable Product Pro for Magento 2 extension.
Please the below image:
1) Support Expiration
Support Expiration feature is one effective mode available for Downloadable Products pro extension. This setting is available in admin. If you will set the “Support expiration” mode and also you can set the default expiry date for all products. After setting this setting, the admin can create a downloadable product. Admin can also set the expiry date of this product from here. If you have not set the expiry date from here (create product time). Then it takes the default expiry date value from admin. If any customer wants to purchase this downloadable product from your website then they will check this checkbox on the product page and order this product from your website. After completing the order, customers can check their accounts and see my downloadable product. Then the customer can see the downloadable product appears but the download link does not appear. When the admin will complete this order status then the customer can see this downloadable link in his accounts. When the support expiration date is expired. Then customers cannot take any support after expire this product. But customers can download these products after the expiration of the support expiry, the downloaded version will be of that day or before the day of expiration, new versions released after support expiry will not be available for downloads. Admin can increase the expiry date of this product for download update product.
2) Product Expiration
Product expiration mode is also another effective feature of this Downloadable products pro extension. It’s setting as support expiration mode. In this feature, we have selected the “Product expiration” From this setting, customers cannot download any product version after the product expiry date. The customer cannot see the downloadable link if the duration has expired, from this account customers can download this product before the expiration of the product expiry date. Customers cannot download the updated product or any version if the duration date has expired, Customer can generate a request to increase the expiry date. When the admin sees the customer request then the admin can update/increase the expiry date of this product from an order of this product.
The Customer can get the product from his account anytime and they can download this product from his account based upon his support and mode applicable as described above. Customers need not again order this product if they are applicable for download the extension. If the customer product order support expires then they can also ask to increase the extension of support, If support expiration is set then customers can download the product any time before the expiry date and not after the date is expired.
So, in product mode after the expiry date, no product can not be downloaded, and in support mode versions released till the date of support active can be downloaded not the new versions released after the support expiry date.
Please see the below image: