How customer can request quote for products in Magento2
“Request a quote” extension is the best extension for the quote based selling of products. Request a quote extension created by “Purpletree Software LLP”. Request a quote extension is a work for the Magento2 website. In this blog, I will explain why the customer needs to raise a quote for the product.
If the “Request a quote” extension is installed on your website and any logged in or without logged in customers are searching products on your website. After that, these customers purchase multiple quantities of any product. For that, customers can see a “Request a quote” button on the top header of your website. When the customer will click on this button then a popup form will be open when a customer fills in all the details. Here customer enters the product name and its quantity. Customers can also enter the description for this product. Customers can put them all points about this product. If the customer wants to some discount on this product price then they can write the description tab. Customer can add multiple products and their multiple quantities. After fill, all the points customer click on submit button. You can see the below image:
Request quote for a single product, if any customer come to your website and they like any product from your website. They want to purchase multiple quantities of this product then they will click on the “Request a Quote” button on the product page. After clicking on this button, a popup form will open. In this form, you can purchase multiple quantities of a single product. You can’t purchase multiple products from this popup form. After fill, all the details click on the submit button. Please see the below image:
Please see the below image in popup:
After submitting these data, the admin can see these request details. If the admin agrees with these customer details then the admin can reply to this request. In Request, a quote extension admin has lots of access for this request. Admin can delete this request if admin will not agree with customer requirement. Admin can edit the customer request and change quote information details. If a customer request is pending then the admin can update the status of the customer request. Admin and customer can communicate to each other by a message from the “Request a quote” extension. If the login customer has been generated this request then this communication will be a success. You can see the list of all customer quote requests on the admin side quote request page. If the admin approved any customer request then these customer orders updated successfully.
You can see the below image:
Login customers check the quote request update, when any login customer is generated any quote request for the product then they can also check the quote status update. Customers can also reply to the admin message. When login customer goes to our account then they see the quote request button in the left side. When they will click on this button then you can see the list of requests and quote request updates.
If it is installed with Magento 2 Multivendor, vendors can handle the quotes related to their products.
Please see the below image: