Clipart for Custom Product Designer for Magento
Magento custom product designer allows the user to create any design on the product, and order the product for that design so that, the admin would let it know to the custom design and print that design in the product as required. Doing this becomes easy with this extension. Custom product designer extension for Magento allows a whole lot of functionalities along with just simple design.
Using Online Product Designer for Magento, the admin would need to add predefined Clipart images that a user would be able to see and add on the product while designing. It is easy to use for the user point of view, as they would be able to see the most used clipart images in the design panel and add that image in the product for their product design.
Adding the Clipart Images is so much easy for admin, as no prior knowledge of any coding is required by admin to do so. Just login to the admin panel and Go to the Custom Product Designer menu. From there select Manage Clipart. In here admin would able to see all the Clipart images, on extension installation, we have already added most of the clipart images in the extension itself, which would be visible on the page.
From the Manage Clipart Listing page, add/edit the Clipart image, admin can also delete the unwanted Clipart images from the list, or could simple Disabled the Clipart image which is not required on the frontend.
Name — Enter the name of the Clipart image
Enabled — This must be Selected to YES so that it would be visible in the front website if you are not sure that this image would be shown later, Then you can leave it NO in here and it would be only visible in admin and not in the front website.
Sort Order — In frontend Website, Clipart Images are shown in the Popup box, to set the images to be shown in particular order, set sort order for all images in numeric form, leave it to 0 for default sort order.
Clipart Image — Choose Clipart Image from Browse from your Computer System. You can choose the following Image formats for Clipart Image — JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and SVF.
To delete the old image from Clipart you have to select Delete Image from the form so that it doesn’t use up your space on the web.
Note -SVG images are vector-based graphics in XML format which are mostly used for Clipart everywhere, try to use SVG images in Clipart.
In Front to view Clipart images click on Add Clipart link and all the added Clipart images by admin would be shown, popup model. Please note only Enabled Clipart images would be visible in here with sort order as defined in the admin.
More details of Custom Product Designer for Magento can be found here.