Search Suggestions & Auto-complete for Opencart

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Enhance your customers' shopping experience with the Search Suggestions & Auto-Complete for OpenCart extension. As users begin typing in the search bar, this powerful tool instantly displays smart and relevant product suggestions.

Search Suggestions & Auto-complete for Opencart

Compatible with:

New Versions:,

OpenCart 4.x.x.x (including the latest

OpenCart 3.x.x.x (All 3.x version)

OpenCart 2.x.x.x

Key Features:

The Smart Search Suggestions extension enhances the search functionality of your OpenCart store by providing intelligent and dynamic search results as users type.

Smart Search Suggestions

The extension provides smart suggestions in real-time as users type their queries, making it easier to find products quickly and efficiently.

Direct Add-to-Cart

Users can add products directly to their cart from the search results if there are no mandatory options required for the product. For products with required options, the relevant product options are displayed in the search results.

Category Display

Categories that match the search query are displayed in a separate section within the suggestions, helping users navigate to relevant product categories with ease.

Multi-Store Support

Supports OpenCart Multi-Store setups, allowing you to provide enhanced search functionality across multiple store views within the same OpenCart installation.

By integrating this extension, you improve the search experience on your OpenCart store, making it more intuitive and user-friendly for your customers.


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Extension Screenshot:

opencart search suggestions

Overview of Search Suggestions & Auto-complete in Opencart

Search Suggestions & Auto-complete is a feature in Opencart e-commerce platform that enhances the search experience for users by providing real-time search suggestions and automatically completing keywords as the user types.  The number of suggestions and their content can be configured from the module settings in the Opencart backend. It is compatible with Opencart version and higher and may work with most themes, though compatibility may vary based on the theme and its customizations.

Our Support, guide & Policies

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Note: Our extensions have a licensing policy, click here to view the license policy.



More Information

Q: What is Search Suggestions & Auto-complete in Opencart?

A: It's a feature that suggests search keywords and automatically completes them based on previous searches or popular searches.

Q: How does it work?

A: The feature makes use of JavaScript to show suggestions and autocomplete as the user types in the search bar.

Q: How to enable Search Suggestions & Auto-complete in Opencart?

A: It can be enabled from the Opencart backend by navigating to "Extensions" -> "Modules" -> "Search" and then enabling the "Search Suggestions & Auto-complete" module.

Q: Does Search Suggestions & Auto-complete work with all themes in Opencart?

A: It may work with most themes, but compatibility can vary based on the theme and its customizations.

Q: Is Search Suggestions & Auto-complete compatible with all Opencart versions?

A: It is compatible with Opencart version 3.x.


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